Study Guide for Chapter One: The Gods>>*The Titans and the Twelve Great Olympians*>Titans>Who were the Titans?> ~The Titans were the children of heaven and earth.>What happens to them?> ~They took a lower place when Zeus, son of Saturn ascended the throne.>What characterizes the Golden Age?> ~The Golden Age was a time of perfect peace and happiness.>>>>The twelve great Olympians: Zeus (Jupiter), Poseidon (Neptune), Hades >(Pluto), Hestia (Vesta), Hera (Juno), Ares (Mars), Athena (Minerva), >Apollo, Aphrodite (Venus), Hermes (Mercury), Artemis (Diana), Hephaestus >(Vulcan).>Mount Olympus: Greece’s highest mountain and said to be the foundation of >Olympus.>Seasons: protected a gate of clouds of which was the entrance to Olympus.>ambrosia / nectar: the food of the deities, which was supposed to make >those who ate it immortal.>>Zeus>How does Zeus gain power?> ~Each one of his brothers had a part of the universe to take care of. >He was the Lord of the Sky.>Why is he depicted as having so many extramarital affairs?> ~The scholars say that the Zeus of song and story has been made by >combining many gods.>Who is even stronger than Zeus?> ~Fate>Where is his oracle?> ~in the land of oak trees>How does it work?> ~The god’s will was revealed by the rustling of the oak leaves which >the priests interpreted.>What are some of the objects associated with him?> ~His bird was the eagle, his tree the oak>What is the aegis?> ~Zeus’ breastplate>>Hera>Who is she?> ~Hera was Zeus’ wife and sister>Whom does she protect on earth?> ~She was the protector of marriage and married women were her peculiar >care.>Who is Ilithyia?> ~Ilithyia was Hera’s daughter>What city/bird/animal are associated with her?> ~Argos was her favorite city and the cow and the peacock were sacred >to her.>How would you describe her relationship with her husband?> ~It was not very good, she fell jealous of all women her husband fell >in love with and cursed them.>>Poseidon>What does he rule?> ~He was the ruler of the sea>Who is his wife?> ~His wife was Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan.>Where does he live?> ~In a palace beneath the sea.>What animal does he give to mankind?> ~He gave the first horse to man>What (besides Neptune) is he frequently called?> ~“Earth-shaker”>What is the trident?> ~The trident is a three-pronged spear, which would shake and shatter >whatever he pleased.>>Hades>What does Pluto mean?> ~Dis the latin word for rich.>Who and what is he king of?> ~He was King of the Dead>What does his famous cap do to whoever wears it?> ~made them invisible.>Who is his wife?> ~Persephone>How would you describe his personality?> ~unpitying and terrible>>Pallas Athena>Who were her parents?> ~Zeus was her father, and she had no mother.>Over whom is she the protector?> ~She is the protector of civilized life>What did she invent?> ~the bridle>What words are frequently used to describe her?> ~“gray-eyed” or “flashing-eyed”>What was her relationship like with Zeus?> ~Great. She was Zeus’ favorite child and he trusted her dearly.>What does Parthenos mean?> ~it was the name she was called as the chief of the virgin goddesses>Where is the Partheon?> ~in her temple>What is her bird/tree/city?> ~Athens was her special city; the olive created by her was her tree; >the owl her bird.>>Phoebus Apollo>Who were his parents?> ~Zeus and Leto (Latona)>Where was he born?> ~The little island of Delos>What instrument does he play?> ~the golden lyre>What did he first teach men?> ~the healing art>Of what is he the god?> ~He is the God of Light and the God of Truth.>Where was his oracle?> ~Delphi under towering Parnassus>What (besides the oracle) is so special about the site?> ~Castalia was its sacred spring; Cephissus its river>How does the oracle work?> ~The answers to the questions asked by the anxious seekers for Truth >were delivered by a priestess who went into a trance before she >spoke.>What is a tripod?> ~a three-legged stool>Who was Python?> ~a frightful monster>What does Phoebus mean?> ~“brilliant”>What is his tree/animal?> ~The laurel was his tree, dolphin and the crow his animals.>>Artemis>What is she also called (besides Diana)?> ~Cynthia>Who are her parents?> ~Zeus and Leto>Who are the three maiden goddesses?> ~Artemis> ~Aphrodite> ~Athena>Describe her personality.> ~she is fierce and revengeful>What does she love to do?> ~she was careful to preserve the young>What is her connection to the moon?> ~she was a moon-goddess>Who is Hecate?> ~Artemis>What animal/tree is sacred to her?> ~The cypress and the deer>>Aphrodite>Of what is she the goddess?> ~Love and beauty>How is she born?> ~She is said to have sprung from the foam of the sea.>Who is her husband?> ~Hephaestus>What are her tree/birds?> ~The myrtle was her tree; the dove her bird and sometimes the sparrow >and swan.>How would you characterize her personality?> ~gentle, kind, and loving>>Hermes>Who are his parents?> ~Zeus and Maia>What does he look like?> ~On his feet were winged sandals; wings were on his low-crowned hat>What is his magic wand called?> ~the Caduceus>What does he invent?> ~the lyre>Describe his personality.> ~He was graceful, shrewd and cunning>Of what is he the god?> ~God of Commerce>What is his function for the realm of the dead?> ~he was the solemn guide of the dead, the Divine Herald who led the >souls down to their past home.>>Ares>Who are his parents?> ~Zeus and Hera>Of what is he the god?> ~God of War>What is his personality like?> ~ruthless, murderous, coward>Who are his companions on the battle field?> ~His sister, Eris, which means Discord and Strife, her son. The >Goddess of War, Enyo (Bellona) then there are Terror and >Trembling and Panic.>Why are their names apt?> ~their names are apt because it most likely told what happened on the >battle field>Who is his bird/animal?> ~His bird was the vulture. The dog his animal.>With whom does he have an illicit affair?> ~Aphrdite>>Hephaestus>What makes him different from the other gods?> ~he was the only ugly one>Who are his parents?> ~Zeus and Hera>What is his job?> ~he is the workman of the immortals, their armorer and smith>Who is his wife?> ~Aglaia>Who helps him in his tasks?> ~Athena>What is his relationship to volcanoes?> ~He is the God of Fire>Whom does he protect on earth?> ~smiths>Hestia>Of what is she the goddess?> ~Goddess of the Hearth>How does she fit into the Olympian family?> ~She was Zeus’ sister>What is her role in founding colonies?> ~If a colony was to be founded the colonists carried coals with them >to the new city with which to kindle the fire on the new city’s >hearth.>What are the priestesses called who guard her flame in Rome?> ~Vestals>>*The Lesser Gods of Olympus*>Eros>Of what is he the god?> ~God of Love>What is his relationship to Aphrodite?> ~he was her son in later accounts>How is he frequently represented?> ~as blindfolded because his love is often blind>Who are his attendants?> ~Anteros, Himerous, Hymen>What do their names mean?> ~they all have to do with love.>Hebe>Of what is she the goddess?> ~Goddess of Youth>Who were her parents?> ~Zeus and Hera>Who does she marry?> ~Hercules>What is her office at Olympus?> ~cupbearer>Who is Ganymede?> ~the person that holds her office>Iris>Of what is she goddess?> ~Goddess of the Rainbow>What is her job?> ~she is the messenger of the gods>The Graces>How many are there?> ~three>What do their names mean?> ~Splendor, Mirth and Good Cheer>What would they do at banquets?> ~sing>Could one go on vacation without the others?> ~no>Muses>How many?> ~nine>Who are their parents?> ~Zeus and Mnemosyne>What are their names and their particular fields?> ~Clio was Muse of history, Urania of astronomy, Melpomene of tragedy, >Thalia of comedy, Terpsichore of the dance, Calliope of epic >poetry, Erato of love- poetry, Polyhymnia of songs to the gods, >Euterpe of lyric poetry.>>Who are Themis, Aidos, Nemesis and Dike?> ~They were august forms and personified emotions esteemed highest of >all feelings in Homer and Hesiod.>>The Gods of the Waters>1.*Who was Poseidon?> ~the Lord and Ruler of the Mediterranean Sea and the Friendly Sea and > underground rivers>2.*Who is Triton?> ~the trumpeter of the Sea.>Who are his parents?> ~Poseidon and Amphitrite>With what object is he associated?> ~his trumpet was a great shell>3.What are Proteus’ two useful powers?> ~foretelling the future and changing his shape at will>4.Who are the Naiads?> ~water nymphs>How do they differ from the Nereids?> ~They dwelt in brooks and springs and fountains instead of oceans and >seas.>>*The Underworld*>1.>Hades: ruler of the kingdom of the dead>Persephone: Hades’ queen>Charon: an aged boatman who ferries the souls of the dead across the water>Cerberus: a three-headed dog who guards the gate who lets all souls enter, >no return>Styx: the river of the unbreakable oath by which god’s swear>Lethe: the river of forgetfulness>Elysian Fields: a place of blessedness>Asphodel: pallid, ghostly flowers>>2. What kind of mood exists in Hades?> ~it is a vague, shadowy place inhabited by shadows; it is a miserable >dream>How is it set up?> ~The path down to it lead to where Acheron, the river of woe, pours >into Cocytus, the river of lamentation>What is the role of the three judges?> ~they pass sentence and send the wicked to everlasting torment and the >good to a place of blessedness.>3. Who are the Furies (the Erinyes)?> ~sinners on the earth and punish evildoers in the underworld.>Through what gate do true dreams come?> ~the gate of horn>>The Lesser Gods of Earth>1.*Of what are Demeter and Dionysus, respectively, goddess and god?> ~Demeter was the Goddess of the Corn and Dionysus was the God of the >Vine.>2. *Pan>Who is his father?> ~Hermes>He’s part animal -- which animal?> ~goat>Where does he live?> ~in all wild places, but best of all, Arcady, where he was born>What instrument does he play?> ~pipes of reed>How would you characterize his luck with the ladies?> ~poor, he was often rejected because of his ugliness>What is the relationship between him and our word “panic”?> ~trembling sounds that came from the wilderness were made by him>Describe his personality.> ~happy, enjoyable company>3. Silenus>What animal does he ride and why?> ~donkey>Whom does he teach?> ~Pan>What does he resemble in looks?> ~a drunken fat man>4. Describe The Sileni.> ~They were creatures of part man and part horse, which walked on two >legs and often had hoofs, sometimes horses’ ears and always >horses’ tails.>5.*The Satyrs, Dryads or Hamadryads>Who/what are they?> ~goat-men>Where do they gather?> ~in the wild places of the earth>Describe their appearance.> ~unhuman, ugly gods>6.*Aeolus>Of what is he king?> ~King of the Winds>What are the Greek names of the four chief winds and their direction?> ~Boreas, Zephyr , Favonius, Eurus>7.*Chiron>What type of creature is he?> ~half man - half horse>What would he look like?> ~a beast>For what is he known?> ~His goodness and his wisdom>8. *Gorgons>What did they look like?> ~dragonlike creatures with wings>9.The Graiae>What is unusual about this trio of old women?> ~They had but one eye between them>10.*The Sirens>For what are they infamous?> ~luring sailors to their deaths>11.*The Fates>What is their Greek name?> ~Moirae>What do they do?> ~give to men at birth evil and good to have>What is the meaning of Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos’ names and how they >reflect their duties?> ~They hold the distaff and spin the thread of life. The name Clotho is >from Greek Klôthô, which literally means “I spin”. Atropos was >known as the Inexorable, and carried the shears that cut the >thread of life.>>Study Guide for Chapter Two: The Two Great Gods of Earth>>Do you agree with Hamilton’s condemnation of the Greek Pantheon as mostly >“harmful and capricious” in the first paragraph of this chapter?> ~Yes, it seems as though the gods had great power and individual >qualities that made them unique but it is what they did with their power >that makes them good or bad.>*Demeter>Of what is she goddess?> ~Goddess of Corn>Why does Hamilton argue that Demeter has to be a woman?> ~It was natural that the divine power which brought forth the grain >should be thought of as a goddess and not a god; the care of the >fields belonged to women>When is her chief festival?> ~Her chief festival came at the harvest time>Why do we not know more about the Eleusinian Mysteries?> ~they were held in especial veneration>>Homeric Hymn to Demeter and a Study Guide to Demeter’s Hymn>*Who is Persephone?> ~Demeter’s only daughter>Where does she go?> ~she’s lost; the lord of the underworld carried her away>How does Demeter react to her disappearance?> ~she withheld her gifts from the earth, which turned into a frozen >desert>Why does she disguise herself?> ~she felt such a great grief she just wanted to be left alone>How does Demeter try to give Demophoon immortal youth?> ~she anointed him with ambrosia and at night she would place him in >the red heart of the fire.>Why isn’t she successful?> ~the mother found him in fire and immediately took her son>How does Demeter suggest Eleusis can win back her good graces?> ~they must build her a great temple near the town and so win back the >favor of her heart.>What effect does Demeter’s grief have on the earth?> ~noting grew; in vain the oxen drew the plowshare through the furrows>Why does Zeus pull rank on Hades and force him to return Persephone?> ~He thought that the whole world would die of famine and the only one >who could fix it was Demeter and the only way she would agree to >that was if she saw her daughter.>What is the importance of the pomegranate?> ~Hermes made Persephone eat a pomegranate seed, knowing that if she >did so she must return to him.>What sad message does Rhea bring to Demeter?> ~Demeter is not to keep her daughter but can see her at the kingdom of >darkness.>>*Dionysus>Of what is he god?> ~God of the Vine>Why does Hamilton call Dionysus and Demeter “suffering gods”?> ~because they were destined to die>>Homeric Hymn to Dionysus and Study Guide>Who are Dionysus’s parents?> ~Zeus and Semele>What awful fate befalls his mother?> ~Zeus loves another woman; Hera>Why does Zeus have to uphold his promise?> ~he swears to the Styx river>What is unusual about his birth?> ~His mother died near birth, so Zeus hid it in his own side until the >time came for it to be born, it was then carried to the nymphs of >Nysa.>Why is Dionysus’ birth of fire and childhood of rain appropriate for his >function as god of vine?> ~The hard burning heat ripens the grapes and the water keeps them >alive>Why do the pirates kidnap Dionysus?> ~They thought he looked like the son of a king and they would be >willing to pay a great ransom.>How does Dionysus exhibit his divinity to the pirates?> ~When they began to bind him the ropes would not hold together and >fell apart when they touched his hands and feet.>What fate do the pirates suffer?> ~they were turned into dolphins>>*Who are the Maenads or Bacchantes?> ~women frenzied with wine>What do they look like?> ~They carried pine-cone tipped wands and were always dirty>How do the followers of Dionysus differ in their worship from the attendees >of the other gods?> ~They worshiped the god of wine>What are the two ideas present in the worship of this god?> ~It was centered in these two ideas so far apart-- of freedom and >ecstatic joy and of savage brutality.>Why does Dionysus Return to Thebes?> ~to establish worship there>Who is Pentheus?> ~the King of Thebes>Why does he ignore the advice of Tiresias and the band of soldiers?> ~because of the way he looked>What awful fate does Pentheus experience?> ~he was not able to hear when the gods spoke to him>Why do you think Dionysus encouraged his demise?> ~Dionysus encouraged it because after being nice to him the whole >time, Pentheus only heaped insults and threats upon him.>>What, besides viticulture, is Dionysus’ greatest gift to the world?> ~wine>Where is his festival celebrated?> ~Greece>What does the ceremony entail?> ~it was a theatre and the ceremony was a performance of a play.>Why and how does Dionysus die every year?> ~His worshipers believed that death does not end at all. He was always >brought back to life; he died and rose again.>>>Study Guide for Chapter Three: How the World and Mankind Were Created>>*What is the “world” like before the gods came on the scene?> ~There was only the formless confusion Of Chaos brooded over by >unbroken darkness>Night and Erebus are the first two children of Chaos. Who is their child?> ~Love>How is that child conceived?> ~it came into being in some mysterious way from darkness and from >death.>Why is this child so important for later developments?> ~Love created Light with its companion, radiant Day.>What is Hamilton’s theory about the personification of the Earth and >Heaven?> ~Earth was the solid ground, yet vaguely a personality, too. Heaven >was the blue vault on high, but it acted in some ways as a human >being would.>Why does that personification blossom with the introduction of later >figures?> ~They were individual persons, so they personified everything which >had the obvious marks of life.>Who are the first creatures to have the appearance of life?> ~The children of Mother Earth and Father Heaven; Gaea and Ouranos>Who comes next?> ~The Cyclops’>How are they different that the monsters?> ~they lived off of sin>Who injures Heaven?> ~Titan Cronus>How and why?> ~he lay in wait for his father and wounded him terribly. He did this >because he was said to be a very poor father.>What springs from the blood of the injured Heaven?> ~the Erinyes (Furies)>>*Why does Zeus eventually overthrow Cronus?> ~It was destined>How does Rhea fool Cronus?> ~she gave her husband a great stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which >he supposed was the baby and swallowed down.>How does Zeus rescue his siblings?> ~he forced his father, with the help of Mother Earth, to throw them up>What happens to the stone that fools Cronus?> ~he throws it up and a great deal of time later found and blessed with >oil daily.>>*Who helps Cronus in the war?> ~his brother Titans>Who are Zeus’ allies?> ~The Titans>How does Zeus punish his enemies after they lose?> ~he bounded them in bitter chains beneath the earth>Who is Atlas and what is his fate?> ~Prometheus’ brother; condemned to bear on his back forever the cruel >strength of the crushing world>Who then must Zeus fight to become undisputed world champion?> ~Typhon>>Who are the Cimmerians?> ~Mysterious people that lived on the further bank of the river where >light never shone.>The Hyperboreans?> ~People that lived in a country across the Ocean at the back of the >North Wind>Where is the realm of the dead?> ~On Ocean’s bank>>*How was man created?> ~It was delegated by the gods to Prometheus, the Titan who had sided >with Zeus in the war with the Titians and to his brother, >Epimetheus>What do Prometheus’ and Epimetheus’ names mean, and why are they apt?> ~Prometheus’ name means forethought and Epimetheus’ name means >afterthought>Why is Epimetheus a dunderhead?> ~he gave all the good qualities to animals and had none left for >humans>How does Prometheus come to man’s aid?> ~He took over the task of creation and thought of a way to make >mankind superior>>Describe the various ages of man, starting with gold and ending with iron.> ~Golden race- lived like gods without sorrow of heart, far from toil >and pain> ~Silver race- inferior to the first, so little intelligence, they >couldn’t keep from hurting themselves.> ~Brass race- terrible, immensely strong, lovers of war and violence> ~Unnamed race-godlike heroes fought glorious wars and went on great >adventures> ~Iron race- live in evil times, never rest from toil and sorrow>How are the men like the metal that gives their age its name?> ~It shows how they lived and were in their hearts>>*What two gripes does Zeus have against Prometheus?> ~He stole fire for men and arranged that they should get the best part >of any animal sacrificed and men should get the worst.>How does Zeus get revenge?> ~He creates women>What does Pandora’s name mean and why is it apt?> ~“the gift of all”; all the men gave her beautiful gifts.>Hamilton calls Pandora a “beautiful disaster.” Do you agree? Why/why not?> ~no, because Zeus made them to get back at someone and it worked, but >she didn’t mean to; they’re not all bad>What is in Pandora’s infamous box?> ~innumerable plagues, sorrow and mischief for mankind and hope>Why does she open it?> ~she was curious>What is the result?> ~it releases the evils into the world.>What does not come screeching out of the box, and why is it appropriate for >hope to remain?> ~hope; it is mankind’s sole comfort in misfortune>>*How does Zeus personally punish Prometheus for helping mankind?> ~they bound him to a high-piercing, headlong rock>What does Prometheus know that could help Zeus in the future?> ~he knew who would be the mother of the son who would dethrone him and >drive the gods from their home in heaven.>In light of the fate placed on Zeus, what do you think of his philandering?> ~It’s not very good for him to do that it just increases his chances >of it happening sooner>How does Prometheus escape?> ~He was released>>Does the Deluge remind you of any other stories?> ~Yes, Noah and his ark>Why does Zeus send the flood?> ~He felt that men grew so wicked that finally Zeus determined to >destroy them>How many days does it rain?> ~nine>Who is saved?> ~a man and a woman (Deucalion and Pyrrha)>How?> ~the man was the wisest person in the world; he knew the flood would >come and he told his son to build a chest, store it with >provisions and embark his wife in it>Why is Zeus not angry at their survival?> ~the two were pious, faithful worshipers of the gods>What are they urged to do?> ~“Veil your heads and cast behind you the stones of your mother>At what solution do they arrive?> ~earth is the mother of all her bones are the stones so they cast >these>How is the new race born?> ~they cast the stones of the temple and they took human shape>>Study Guide for Chapter Four: Early Heroes>>Europa>1. How does Zeus fall in love with Europa?> ~Cupid’s arrow>2. What does Zeus change himself into when he appears before Europa for the >first time?> ~a bull>3. Where does Zeus take Europa after they cross the sea?> ~Crete>>*The Cyclops Polyphemus*>1. Who lands his boat on the Cyclops’ land?> ~A Greek prince named Odysseus>2. How does Odysseus damage Polyphemus’ eye?> ~He got the Cyclops drunk and when he fell asleep they heated the >point of a stake and drove the spike into Polyphemus’ eye.>3. Who is Polyphemus’ father?> ~Poseidon>4. With whom does Polyphemus fall in love?> ~Galatea>>Flower Myths>Why is it natural for flowers to be connected with the gods?> ~The flower was held to be the direct creation of a god for his own >purpose.>>*Narcissus*>1.*How does Zeus use the narcissus flower to help Hades lure Persephone?> ~He uses its beauty to lure her towards it while she was picking >flowers and then a chasm opened in the earth and someone grabbed her >and took her away>2.*Why does Hera punish Echo?> ~She thinks that Zeus loves her.>3. How does she punish her?> ~She condemned her never to use her tongue again except to repeat what >is said to her.>4. What happens to Echo after she is rejected by Narcissus?> ~She hid her blushes and her shame in a lonely cave, and never could >be comforted.>5. How does Nemesis punish Narcissus?> ~She prays that if he doesn’t love anyone he must love himself.>6. How does death set Narcissus free?> ~Narcissus loves his reflection so much that he dies trying to grasp >it from the water>7. What happens to Narcissus’ body after he dies?> ~His body turns into a flower>>Hyacinthus>1.*How does Hyacinthus die?> ~Hyacinthus died in a game of discus Apollo missed his target and hit >him in the forehead.>2. What happens to Hyacinthus after he dies?> ~the bloodstained grass turned green again and there bloomed forth the >wondrous flower that was to make the lad’s name known forever>>*Adonis>1. What is the name of Adonis’ flower?> ~the blood-red anemone, the wildflower>2. With which two goddesses does Adonis split his time?> ~Queen of the Dead and the Goddess of Love and Beauty>3. What seasons does he spend with each?> ~ The Queen of the Dead spends autumn and winter with him and the >Goddess of Love and Beauty spends spring and summer with him.>4. How does Adonis die?> ~A boar gored him with its great tusks>>*Study Guide for Chapter Five: Cupid and Psyche*>>1. Why is Venus (a goddess), so jealous of Psyche (a mortal)?> ~All the honors once hers were now given to a mere girl destined some >day to die.>2. What does Venus tell her son Cupid to do to Psyche?> ~She told him to “Use your power and make the hussy fall madly in love >with the vilest and most despicable creature there is in the whole world.”>3. How does Psyche feel about going to meet her destined husband?> ~She is glad that she will finally be put out of her misery.> How does the rest of her family feel?> ~They are sad that she is destined to marry a fearful winged serpent.> Why?> ~They think she deserves better.>4. Where is Psyche taken when she goes to the hilltop?> ~To a grassy meadow soft as a bed and fragrant with flowers.> What is surprising about the atmosphere and the way that she is >treated?> ~The mansion seemed to be built for a god and everything she >experienced was incredible>5. How do Psyche’s sisters react when they visit her and see all of her >wealth?> ~They were filled with bitter envy and a devouring curiosity as to who >was the lord of all this magnificence.>6. What is significant about the story they make up about her husband?> ~They give her a reason for why she hasn’t seen him.>7. What is the plan that Psyche carries out one evening?> ~That night she must hide a sharp knife and a lamp near her bed. When >her husband was fast asleep she must leave the bed, light the >lamp, and get the knife. She must steel herself to plunge it swiftly >into the body of the frightful being the light would certainly >show her.> Why is she shocked at her findings?> ~It is not the serpent she expected.>8. Who does her husband turn out to be, and what does he do/say when he >sees her?> ~Cupid, the God of Love; he tells her that there is no love without >trust and he departs from her sight and life.>9. Psyche searches everywhere for her husband. Where does she finally find >him and what is he doing there?> ~In a chamber healing his wound>10.What are the four things that Venus makes Psyche do out of bitterness >and envy?> ~She took a great quantity of the smallest seeds and told her to have >them sorted by nightfall.> ~She had her fetch wool from fierce sheep> ~Psyche is to fill a flask of black water from the Styx river> ~She gave Psyche a box which she was to carry to the underworld and >ask Proserpine to fill with some of her beauty> How does Psyche manage to accomplish them?> ~With the help of many friendly earthlings> Does her story at this point remind you of any others you might have >read?> ~No>11. Why does Psyche open the box of beauty, and what happens when she does?> ~She felt that she must see what that beauty-charm in the box was and >perhaps use a little of it on herself.>12. How and why does Psyche become immortal?> ~She married him formally>13. Is Venus satisfied with this situation? Why or why not?> ~Yes, she said she couldn’t object to a goddess as a daughter-in-law.>14. What does the name Psyche mean?> ~Love and the Soul>>Study Guide for Chapter Six: Eight Brief Tales of Lovers>>Orpheus and Eurydice>At what is Orpheus skilled?> ~his mother gave him the gift of music; singing>After Orpheus and Eurydice and married, what happens to Eurydice?> ~she died>How does this happen?> ~a viper stung her>Where does Orpheus decide to go?> ~to the world of death>What does Orpheus ask?> ~for Eurydice’s return>What are the conditions of the agreement?> ~that he would not look back at her as she followed him, until they >had reached the upper world.>What happens when Orpheus breaks the condition?> ~Eurydice disappears into the darkness>>*Pygmalion and Galatea>At what is Pygmalion skilled?> ~sculpting>What does Pygmalion hate?> ~women>Of what does he make a statue, how does he feel about it?> ~a woman; he fell in love with it>Why?> ~he made himself the statue of a perfect women>What god/goddess helps Pygmalion?> ~Venus>What does Pygmalion ask of the god/goddess?> ~that his love might turn kind>Why does Pygmalion think something favorable will happen?> ~He was given a good omen by Venus>What does he find when he goes home?> ~His statue was a real person>Whom does Pygmalion marry?> ~Galatea>>Study Guide for Chapter Seven: Jason and the Argonauts>>1. Who is the king of Greece?> ~Athamas> What is the state of his marriage?> ~He got tired of his wife, put her away, and married another>2. How does Ino plan to get rid of the King’s children?> ~She got possession of all the seed-corn and bribed a messenger to >tell the king the only way people would get food was if he >offered his son as a sacrifice.> How is her plan thwarted?> ~When the boy had been taken to the altar wondrous ram, with a fleece >of pure gold, snatched him and his sister up and bore them away >through the air.>3. What happens to Phrixus?> ~He came safely to land> How does he thank the gods and the King?> ~He gave the precious Golden Fleece to King ¯etes>4.*Who is Jason?> ~The King’s young son> What has he set out to do?> ~claim his kingdom> Who is Philias?> ~Jason’s wicked cousin> On what terms will Philias give Jason his kingdom?> ~He tells him that he must recover the Golden Fleece and thus bring >back his spirit to his home.>5. Who joins Jason on his journey?> ~Hercules, Orpheus, Castor, Pollux, and Peleus> Which god protects them?> ~Hera> What is the name of the ship?> ~Argo>6. What is Lemnos and who are the people living there?> ~a strange island where only women lived> *What happens to Hercules?> ~they lost him>7. Who were the Harpies?> ~The Harpies frightful flying creatures with hooked beaks and claws >who always left behind them a loathsome stench, sickening to all >living creatures.> Who was Phineus?> ~a lonely old man> How is he punished?> ~whenever he was about to dine the Harpies would swoop down and >inflict his food with stench.> How do Jason and his companions help him?> ~They feed him and stood beside him with swords> What advice does Phineus give Jason?> ~He told them the way to pass the Clashing Rocks was to first make a >trial with a dove, if she passed through safely, then the >chances were that they would too. But if it was crushed, they >were to give up.>8.*Who are the Amazons?> ~the daughters of that most peace-loving nymph, Harmony>9.*What does Hera ask Aphrodite to do?> ~She asked for Aphrodite to have her son Cupid make the daughter of >the Colchian King fall in love with Jason.> Why?> ~She feared for the trouble Jason was in> What is Cupid told to do?> ~Shoot an arrow to make Medea fall in love with Jason> How does this action effect Medea?> ~She falls in love with Jason>10. For what does Jason ask King ¯etes, and what is his response?> ~The Golden Fleece; he would give it to them if they performed a task>11.What is the trial the king gives Jason?> ~This was to yoke two bulls he had, whose feet were of bronze and >whose breath was flaming fire, and with them to plow a field. >Then the teeth of a dragon must be cast into the furrows, like >seed-corn -- which would spring up at once into a crop of armed >men. These must be cut down as they advanced to the attack-- a >fearful harvesting.> How and why does Medea help him?> ~She gives him an ointment that made him invincible for the day; she >loves him> For what is the rock?> ~it could make them turn against each other and fight until they were >all killed>12.*What guards the fleece?> ~a terrible serpent>13.What goddess continues to take care of the Argonauts on their return >trip?> ~Hera>14.What is the situation when Jason returns with the fleece?> ~Pelias had forced Jason’s father to kill himself and his mother had >died of grief.>15.What does Medea trick Pelias’ daughters into doing?> ~Medea tricks them into cutting Pelias’ body into pieces>16.How does Jason upset Medea?> ~He marries the daughter of the King of Corinth> What does she threaten?> ~she would do harm to Jason’s bride>17.Who does Medea find caused her to fall for Jason?> ~Aphrodite> How does she react?> ~she refuses his gold>18.*What does Medea give to Jason’s bride?> ~a lovely robe> What happens to her?> ~she dies>19.What does Medea do after the murder?> ~killed her sons> What is Jason’s response?> ~he cursed her>>Study Guide for Chapter Eight: Four Great Adventures>>Phaethon>1. Who is Phaethon’s mother?> ~Clymene>2. Why does Phaethon seek out the Sun god?> ~to ask if he’s his father>3. What does Phaethon ask to do?> ~To take his father’s place for a day>4.*Describe the route the Sun travels daily. What is the road like? The >horses? The monsters?> ~It rises up from the sea so steeply that the horses can hardly climb >it, fresh though they are in the early morning. In midheaven it >is so high that even the Sun does not like to look down. Worst >of all is the descent, so precipitous that the Sea-gods waiting >to receive him wonder how he can avoid falling headlong. To >guide the horses, too it is a perpetual struggle. Their fiery spirits grow >hotter as they climb and they scarcely suffer his control. You >will have to pass beasts, fierce beasts of prey, and they are all >that you will see. The Bull, the Lion, the Scorpion, the great >Crab, each will try to harm you.>5. As soon as Phaethon drives the chariot, what do the horses realize?> ~The horses realized that their own driver was not there> How do they react?> ~They took control of the chariot>6.*What happens to the world during Phaethon’s ride?> ~it was set on fire> What does Mother Earth request?> ~for the world to be saved> How does Jove react?> ~He sized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash, repentant driver> What happens to Phaethon?> ~He is struck dead>>Pegasus and Bellerophon>1. Who is Glaucus?> ~King of Corinth> How does he bring the wrath of the gods upon himself?> ~He fed his horses human flesh to make them fierce in battle.> What is his fate?> ~He was thrown from his chariot and his horses tore him to pieces>2. Who is rumored to be the Bellerohon’s father?> ~Poseidon> Who is his mother?> ~Eurynome> Why does it seem likely he is the son of a god?> ~no matter what the task he accepted>3. What does Bellerophon want?> ~He wants to catch and tame Pegasus, a marvelous horse> Who is Polyidus?> ~the wise seer of Ephyre> What does he advise Bellerophon to do?> ~He advised him to go to Athena’s temple and sleep there>4. What is Bellerophon given so he can gain Pegasus?> ~a bridle of all gold> Who gives it to him?> ~Athena>5. Why does Anteia want her husband to kill Bellerophon?> ~She wants her husband to kill Bellerophon> Why will he not do so?> ~He ate at his table> What does he do instead?> ~He sends a letter to the King of Lycia>6. What does the letter to the King of Lycia read?> ~It read that Proetus wanted the young man killed> What does the king do in response?> ~He asked Bellerophon to go and slay the Chimaera>7. Name three great beings Bellerophon conquered.> ~Chimaera> ~the Solymi> ~the Amazons>8. Did Bellerophon and Proetus ever reconcile?> ~yes> How?> ~the king was won over by his courage and his good fortune too>9. What eventually causes the beginning of Bellerophon’s demise?> ~His eager ambition makes him believe he could ride Pegasus up to >Olympus> How does he die?> ~he devoured his own soul and avoided the paths of men until he died>10.What happens to Pegasus after Bellerophon’s death?> ~He finds shelter in the heavenly stalls of Olympus were the steeds of >Zeus were cared for>>*Daedalus*>1. What is Daedulus’ profession?> ~Daedulus was an architect> What famous object does he build?> ~The Labyrinth>2. Who is Daedulus’ son?> ~Icarus>3. Why does King Minos imprison Daedulus and his son?> ~He believes the only way the Athenians could have found their way out >was if Daedulus had helped them for this he imprisoned them.>4. How do Daedulus and his son escape?> ~Daedulus makes themselves two pairs of wings>5. Of what does Daedulus warn his son?> ~to keep a middle course over the sea> What happens when his son does not heed this warning?> ~the sun melted the glue of the wings and he fell into the waters >below>6. To where does Daedulus flee?> ~to Sicily>7. How does King Minos know where he is?> ~King Minos had it proclaimed that a great reward would be given to >whoever could pass a thread through an intricately spiraled >shell; knowing the only one who could perform such a task was >Daedulus.>8. What happens to King Minos?> ~he’s slain>>Study Guide for Chapter Nine: Perseus>>1. What does the priestess tell King Acrisius about his daughter, Danae?> ~He told King Acrisius that Danae would have a son who would one day >kill him>2. Why does Acrisius refuse to kill his daughter?> ~His fear of the gods was too strong.>3. Who visits Danae in her chamber?> ~Zeus> In what form?> ~gold>4.*Who is Perseus?> ~Danae’s son>5. What does Acrisius do to make sure that his grandson will not kill him?> ~He had a great chest made, and he placed Danae and Perseus in it; it >was then taken out to sea and cast into the water.>6. Who discovers Danae and Perseus?> ~a fisherman named Dictys> What does he do with them?> ~He took them home to his considerate wife>7. Why does Polydectes want to kill Perseus?> ~He has fallen in love with Danae but he did not want her son> What is his plan?> ~To trick Perseus into thinking that he so longingly needs the head of >a Gorgons; some fearsome monsters.>8.*What happens to anyone who lays eyes on Medusa?> ~they turn instantly into stone>9. What is Hermes’ plan to find the way to the nymphs of the North?> ~To go to the Gray Women who alone could tell them the way>10.What does Hermes give to Perseus?> ~a sword> Why is it special?> ~it could not be bent or broken by the Gorgon’s scales>11.What does Athena give Perseus?> ~She took off the shield of polished bronze which covered her breast >and held it out to him.> How will it help him?> ~he could use it as a shield and see the Gorgon without looking at her>12.What gifts do the Hyperboreans give to Perseus?> ~winged sandals> ~a magic wallet that changed size> ~a cap that made the wearer invisible>13.What do the three Gorgons look like?> ~They were creatures with great wings and bodies covered with golden >scales and hair a mass of twisting snakes.> Why can only Perseus kill Medusa?> ~the other two Gorgons were immortal>14.Why is Andromeda being punished?> ~her mother had boasted that she was more beautiful than the daughters >of Nereus> What is her punishment?> ~to be devoured by a horrible sea serpent>15.What does Perseus do to the great snake?> ~he cut off its head> Why?> ~he was going to eat Andromeda>16.What happens when Perseus enters the banquet?> ~He pulls out Medusa’s head and all of the people in there, including >the king turned to stone.>17.What becomes of Acrisius?> ~he had been driven away from the city>18.Who keeps Medusa’s head? What does she do with it?> ~It was given to Athena, who bore it always upon the aegis, Zeus’ >shield, which she carried for him.>19.Who is Electryon?> ~Perseus and Andromeda’s son>>Study Guide for Chapter Ten: Theseus>>1. What are the terms for Theseus to receive his father’s gifts?> ~he has to be strong enough to lift the stone enclosing them>2. Why does Theseus not want to travel by sea?> ~the voyage was safe and easy> Who is his role model?> ~Hercules> What is his relationship to him?> ~He was his cousin>3.*What are Theseus’ ideas of dealing with justice?> ~what each had done to others, Theseus did to him> When he arrives at Athens, why is he an acknowledged hero?> ~he had cleared the land of these banes to travelers>4. Why does the King want to poison Theseus?> ~He was afraid that Theseus would win over the people and they would >make him king.> Whose original plan is it?> ~Medea’s> Why?> ~she had acquired great influence over Aegeus, which she did not want >disturbed by the appearance of a son.> Does Theseus become poisoned?> ~no>5.*Why does Minos demand fourteen youths and maidens?> ~to feed his Minotaur> What/who is Minotaur?> ~it was a monster, half bull, half human> What happens to these youths?> ~the Minotaur eats them> What are Theseus’ true intentions in offering himself?> ~to kill the Minotaur>6.*Who is Ariadne?> ~Minos’ daughter> What happens when she first sees Theseus?> ~she falls in love with him> Whom does she consult for help?> ~Daedalus> What is his advice?> ~to fasten a ball of thread at one end to the inside of the door and >unwind as he went on.> How does Theseus kill Minotaur?> ~he batters the monster to death> Does Ariadne make it to Athens?> ~no> Why?> ~she died>7. Why does Theseus’ father kill himself?> ~he thought his son died> Who takes over Athens?> ~Theseus> Explain the new government in Athens.> ~everyone is equal>8. Who bears Theseus a son?> ~ Antiope (Hippolyta)> What is the son’s name?> ~Hippolytus>9. Who is Theseus’ friend?> ~Pirithous>10.*Who are the Centaurs?> ~creatures who each had the body of a horse and the chest and face of >a man> What happens at the wedding?> ~the Centaurs got drunk and seized the women>11.Whom does Theseus want to marry?> ~Helen> Whom does Pirithous want to marry?> ~Persephone> When the friends go to the underworld, who knows their plan?> ~the Lord of Hades> What is the fate of Pirithous?> ~she is to stay in the Chair of Forgetfulness forever> Of Theseus?> ~he is brought back to earth>12.Whom does Theseus marry?> ~Phaedra> What is her relation to Ariadne?> ~they are sisters>13.Who falls in love with Hippolytus?> ~Phaedra> Who is behind it?> ~Aphrodite> Why?> ~she was angry at him and wanted to punish him>14.What happens when Hippolytus rejects Phaedra?> ~Phaedra kills herself> What does Phaedra leave behind?> ~a letter to her husband> What does it say?> ~“O dearest and best, are your last desired written here? This is >your seal--yours who will never more smile up at me.” >(Hippolytus laid violent hands upon his wife)> How does Theseus react?> ~he curses his son> What is Hippolytus’ fate?> ~death> What does Artemis tell Theseus?> ~that he is an exile from the land>15.After death of Hippolytus, where does Theseus go?> ~to King Lycomedes’ court> How does he die?> ~King Lycomedes killed him>>Study Guide for Chapter Eleven: Hercules>>Hercules is honored as the greatest hero of Greece except where?> ~Athens>Whom do they consider to be the greatest hero?> ~Theseus>1.*Why does Hercules consider himself an equal to the gods?> ~He was the strongest man on earth>2. Who is Hercules willing to fight to get an answer from the oracle?> ~Apollo>3.*What is the only thing that can overcome Hercules?> ~supernatural force>4. How does Hercules show a greatness of soul?> ~by his sorrow for wrongdoing and his willingness to do anything to >expiate it.>5. Where is Hercules born?> ~Thebes> Who are Hercules’ mortal parents?> ~Amphitryon and Alcmena> Who is his biological father?> ~Zeus>6. What does Hercules do when the two snakes approach his crib?> ~he sat up and grasped the deadly creatures by the throat>7. Whom does Hercules first kill by accident?> ~his music master>8. Whom does Hercules first marry?> ~Princess Megara> What happens to him after he and his wife have three sons?> ~he went mad> What happens to them?> ~he kills his wife and three sons> Who causes this to happen?> ~himself>9. Who stops Hercules from trying to kill himself?> ~Theseus>10.To whom does the priestess tell Hercules to go?> ~Eurystheus> Why?> ~he needed to be purified>11.How many labors does Hercules have to complete?> ~twelve> Who helps Eurystheus devise these labors?> ~Antaeus>12.Who is in love with the girl Hercules wants to marry?> ~Achelous> What happens to him?> ~He conquered him and broke off one of his horns> Who becomes Hercules’ wife?> ~Deianira>13.With whom does Hercules spend the night on his way to get to the >man-eating mares of Diomedes?> ~Admetus>14.Why does Admetus’ wife die?> ~She offered to die for him instead of him>15.Why does Hercules bring Alcestis back from the dead?> ~He feels guilty for getting drunk instead of being a good friend>16.What aspects of Hercules’ character are clearly evident in the story of >Admetus and Alcestis, considering the ancient Greeks’ perspective?> ~his simplicity an blundering stupidity; his inability not to get >drunk in a house were someone was dead; his quick penitence and >desire to make amends at no matter what the cost; his perfect >confidence that not even Death was his match.>17.Whose city does Hercules capture?> ~King Eurytus> Why?> ~he himself had been punished by Zeus for killing Eurytus’ son>18.What does the man say to Deianira?> ~he told her that Hercules was madly in love with a Princess>19.What does the Centaur Nessus say his blood would do?> ~it would work as a charm>20.What does Deianira do when she hears what her gift had done to Hercules?> ~she kills herself>21.Whom does Hercules marry when he goes to heaven?> ~Hebe>>Study Guide for Chapter Twelve: Atalanta>1. What does Atlanta’s father do to her when she is born?> ~he had the tiny creature left on a wild mountainside to die of cold >and hunger.>2. Who takes care of Atalanta after her father abandons her?> ~a she-bear>3. What is the situation with the two centaurs?> ~they caught sight of her and tried to pursue her but she calmly >fitted an arrow to her bow and both centaurs were left mortally >wounded.>4. Whom does Calydon send to punish King Orneus and why?> ~Artemis; he forgot her when he was sacrificing the first fruits to >the gods at harvest-time>5. Describe Atalanta when she joins the Argo.> ~Her face seemed too maidenly to be that of a boy, and too boyish to >be that of a maiden.>6. Who falls in love with her?> ~Oeneus’ son, Meleager>7. Who wounds the boar, and how is it wounded?> ~Atalanta>8. Who finishes killing the boar?> ~Meleager>9. Who opposes giving the skin to Atalanta?> ~Althea’s brothers>10.Who is Meleager’s mother?> ~Althea>11.How is the boar hunt the cause of Meleager’s death?> ~Meleager’s mother through his brand into the fire>12.What does Meleager do to them?> ~he killed her brothers>13.Whom does Atalanta beat in a wrestling match?> ~Peleus>14.With whom does she reconcile?> ~her father>15.Discuss Atalanta’s conditions for marrying.> ~She had agreed to marry whoever could beat her in a foot race>16.How does her husband succeed?> ~He used three golden apples that were irresistible to any being> Which goddess helps him?> ~Aphrodite>17.What was Atalanta’s son’s name?> ~Parthenopaeus>18.Into what kind of animals are Atalanta and Meleager turned?> ~lions>>Study Guide for Chapter Thirteen: The Trojan War>>Prologue: The Judgment of Paris>What does Eris throw into the banqueting hall to cause trouble among the >goddesses?> ~a golden apple>Why?> ~she was not invited>What are the three things that Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite offer Paris?> ~Hera: make him the Lord of Europe and Asia> ~Athena: he would lead the Trojans to victory against the Greeks> ~Aphrodite: that the fairest woman in all the world should be his>Whom does Paris choose?> ~Aphrodite>>The Trojan War>1. Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?> ~Helen> Who is her biological father?> ~Zeus> Who is chosen to be her husband?> ~Menelaus>2. What does Paris do officially to spark the Trojan War?> ~he abducts Helen, the wife of Menelaus> Why do the chieftains of Greece help Menelaus against Troy?> ~They came eager for the great enterprise, to cross the sea and lay >mighty Troy in ashes.> Which two of the chieftains were missing at first?> ~Odysseus> ~Achilles> Why?> ~Odysseus didn’t want to leave his house and family> ~Achilles was kept back by his mother>3.*Why is Artemis angry at the Greeks?> ~one of her beloved wild creatures, a hare, had been slain by the >Greeks> What does she demand of them to calm the wind and ensure a safe >voyage to Troy?> ~to sacrificing a royal maiden> Do they do what she asks?> ~yes>4. Why is it brave for Protesilaus to be the first to leap ashore?> ~the oracle said that he who landed first would be the first to die> Who is the greatest of the Trojan warriors?> ~Hector> Of the Greek warriors?> ~Achilles> What does each of them know will happen to them before Troy is taken?> ~they will die>5. For how many years does victory go back and forth?> ~nine> What two Greeks have a fight that turns outcome in favor of the >Trojans?> ~Achilles and Agamemnon> What is the fight about?> ~over a women (Chryseis)>6. Which gods are on the side of the Trojans?> ~Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Zeus> Which are on the side of the Greeks?> ~Hera, Athena, Poseidon>7. What does Aphrodite do to protect Paris when he fights alone against >Menelaus?> ~She tore away the strap that kept the helmet on so that it came away >in Menelaus’ hand. She caught Paris in a cloud and took him >back to Troy.> What happens to keep the Greeks and Trojans from coming to an >agreement?> ~Hera’s prompting>8. Who almost dies at the hand of Diomedes?> ~Hector> Who tries to stop Diomedes?> ~Aphrodite> Are they successful?> ~no>9.*How is Ares stopped when he is fighting for Hector with the Trojans?> ~Athena interfered and hurled a spear at him> Does this loss hurt the Trojans?> ~yes> How do the Trojans try to fix it?> ~they offer Athena the most beautiful robe and prayed for her to have >mercy>10.*Why does Zeus leave Olympus and go to help the Trojans himself?> ~he remembered his promise to Thetis to avenge Achilles’ wrong>11.What nickname do the Trojans give Hector?> ~Tamer of the horses>12.*How do the Greeks try to appease Achilles?> ~they offered him many rich gifts if he would yield> What is his response?> ~an absolute refusal>13.*What is Hera’s plan?> ~she must go to Zeus looking so lovely that he could not refuse her; >then when he took her in his arms she would pour sweet sleep upon >him and he would forget the Trojans.> Does it work?> ~yes> How does Hector escape harm?> ~Aeneas lifted him and bore him away> Who has been helping the Greeks against Zeus’ wishes?> ~Poseidon> Who stops the Greeks from conquering Troy?> ~Hera> How?> ~she puts Zeus to sleep>14.Who revives Hector?> ~Apollo> To whom does Achilles give his armor and men?> ~Patroclus> Why?> ~Achilles says he cannot go back for he is a man dishonored> What happens when Patroclus meets Hector face to face?> ~his doom was sealed> Who gets Achilles’ armor?> ~Hector>15.Why does Achilles enter the fight again?> ~he says he didn’t help his comrade in his sore need> Who makes his new armor?> ~Hephaestus> Who is appointed by Zeus to die during this battle?> ~Hector and Achilles>16.Why does Hector not flee into Troy?> ~He believes that he is destined to die either way> Who accompanies Achilles in battle?> ~Athena> Why does Hector stop his flight around the walls of Troy?> ~Athena appeared beside him in the shape of his brother> Who does he think is his ally?> ~Deiphobus> Who is it really?> ~Athena> What covenant does Hector try to make with Achilles?> ~He asks him to give his body to his father and mother> Does Achilles accept?> ~no>17.*Does Achilles succeed in killing Hector the first time he throws his >spear?> ~no> Who brings it back to him?> ~Athena> Why doesn’t Hector’s spear kill Achilles?> ~his armor was magical and could not be pierced>18. What does Achilles do with Hector’s body?> ~stripped the bloody armor, pierced the feet of the dead man and >fastened them with thongs to the back of his chariot, letting the >head trail. Then he lashed his horses and round and round the >walls of Troy hw dragged all that was left of glorious Hector.> What three gods on Olympus do not mind the abuse of the dead?> ~Hera> ~Athena> ~Poseidon> How does the King regain Hector’s body?> ~He begged Achilles> How many days do they mourn Hector?> ~nine> Describe the funeral.> ~They laid him on a lofty pyre and set fire to it. When all was >burned they quenched the flame with wine and gathered the bones >into a golden urn, shrouding them in soft purple. They set >the urn in a hollow grave and piled great stones over it.>>Study Guide for Chapter Fourteen: The Fall of Troy>>1.* Why did Apollo guide the arrow into Achilles’ heel?> ~It is the only place he can be wounded and killed.> How had Achilles’ mother been careless?> ~She dipped him into the River Styx to make him invulnerable, but did >not see to it that the water covered the part of his foot she was >holding.>2. What did Athena do to Ajax?> ~she struck him with madness> When Ajax saw what he had done, what did he say?> ~“The poor cattle killed to no purpose by my hand! And I stand here >alone, hateful to men and to gods. In such a state only a coward >clings to life. A man if he cannot live nobly can die nobly.”> What did he do?> ~killed himself>3. What did the prophet Helenus predict about the war?> ~Troy would not fall until some one fought against the Trojans with >the bow and arrows of Hercules.>4. When Paris was wounded, what did he request?> ~to be carried back to Oenone, the nymph he had lived with on Mount >Ida before the three goddesses came to him.> What happened to him and to Oenone?> ~she watched him die and then committed suicide>5.*What plan did Odysseus craft in order to infiltrate Troy?> ~He crafted a wooden horse in order to secretly enter the city inside >of it.>6. What story does Sinon tell to the Trojans?> ~He told them that he was the victim chosen to sacrifice. All was >ready for the awful rite.>7. What happens to Laocoon and how does this affect the Trojan’s reaction?> ~Two serpents crushed the life out of him. He had been punished for >opposing the entry of the horse. They dragged the horse through the >gate and up to the temple of Athena.>8. Describe the battle. What did some of the quick-witted Trojans do?> ~Fires were started in buildings throughout the city. Very many died >before They were able to get a chance to deal a blow in return. >The quickest witted Trojans tore off their own armor and put on >that of the dead Greeks, and many a Greek thinking he was joining >friends discovered too late that they were enemies and paid for >his error with his life.>9.*What is Priam’s fate?> ~Achilles’ son struck him down before the eyes of his wife and >daughters>10.Who was the only goddess to help the Trojan’s that day?> ~Aphrodite> What happens to her son?> ~his wife died>11.*Identify Hecuba. How did the fall of her family mark the end of Troy?> ~Hecuba is an old grey woman. Her family was royalty and with them >dead there is no more Troy.>>Study Guide for Chapter Fifteen: The Adventures of Odysseus>>1. Which two gods are the Greeks’ greatest allies?> ~Athena and Poseidon> Why do these gods later punish them?> ~they forgot what was due to the gods>2.*What power does Apollo give to Cassandra?> ~the power to foretell the future> Why does Apollo turn against her?> ~she refused his love> What is Cassandra’s fate?> ~to always know the disaster that was coming and be unable to avert >it.>3. What happens to Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Ajax after they leave Troy?> ~Agamemnon came near to losing all his ships> ~Menelaus was blown to Egypt> ~Ajax was drowned>4. Which characteristic causes Ajax’s downfall?> ~his mad folly in which he declares that he was one the sea could not >drown>5.*How long does Odysseus wander before he sees his home?> ~ten years>6.*Who is Penelope?> ~Odysseus’ wife> What task does she want to complete before she will marry any of her >suitors?> ~She told them that she could not marry until she had woven a very >fine and exquisitely wrought shroud for Odysseus’ father> Why is the task never completed?> ~every night she would unweave what she had weaved during the day and >the men caught her in the act.>7. Why does Athena favor Odysseus?> ~she delighted in his wily mind, his shrewdness and his cunning> Which god has no sympathy for Odysseus?> ~Poseidon>8.*Who is Telemachus?> ~Odysseus’ son> What is his personality like?> ~he was a sober, discreet young man, steady and prudent and dependable>9. What disguise does Athena take?> ~a seafaring man> What does she instruct Telemachus to do?> ~she strongly advised him strongly to try to find out his father’s >fate>10.Which two men most likely know something about Odysseus’ fate?> ~Nestor> ~Menelaus>11.Whose form does Athena take the second time she appears to Telemachus?> ~Mentor>12.To which god do Nestor and his sons offer a sacrifice?> ~Poseidon>13.Why does Menelaus have to hold down Proteus?> ~to learn what he wants> Under what do he and his men hide?> ~sealskin>14.*Which nymph keeps Odysseus?> ~Calypso>15.*Of what are Hermes’ sandals made?> ~imperishable gold> What powers are in his wand?> ~the ability to charm men’s eyes to slumber>16.*Why does Calypso not want to free Odysseus?> ~she didn’t think it was fair because she had taken care of him> What does she make for Odysseus?> ~a ship>17.*Who spots Odysseus on the sea?> ~Poseidon> Why does Odysseus not want to die in the storm?> ~he thought it was dishonorable> Who helps Odysseus in the storm?> ~Ino> What does she tell Odysseus to do?> ~abandon the raft and swim to shore> Who calms the waves?> ~Athena>18.*To whom does the country (where Odysseus washes ashore) belong?> ~Phaeacians> What is their way of life?> ~the people of her country were kind to luckless wanderers>19.*Who finds Odysseus in the trees?> ~Nausicaa> What does she set out to do?> ~She had the servants make ready an easy-running mule-cart and pack it >with the soiled clothes.> How do she and her servants complete their work?> ~they laid the clothes in the water and danced on them until they were >clean> What does she do for Odysseus?> ~she tells him how to get to her house and what to do once she got >there.> Why can’t she take him to her father herself?> ~If they saw a handsome man like him with her people would start to >believe what is not true.>>Odysseus’ Tale at Court of the Phaeacians>1. Ten days after leaving Troy, why does Odysseus have to tie down some of >his men?> ~they had tasted a type of flower-food lost their longing for home; he >had to drag them on shipboard and chain them there.>2.*Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus?> ~They lost a number of comrades at his hands>3. What does King Aeolus give Odysseus?> ~a leather sack> What is in it?> ~all of the Storm Winds> Why does he give it to him?> ~as a parting gift> What does his crew do to it?> ~they opened it> What happens as a result?> ~all the Winds rushed out at once and swept them away in a terrific >tempest>4. Who destroys the whole fleet except for Odysseus’ ship?> ~His crew>5.*Who lives on Aeaea?> ~Circle, a most beautiful and dangerous witch> What happens to Odysseus’ remaining crew?> ~the witch turns them into swine> How does Odysseus avoid their fate?> ~he took a herb that made him suffer no harm> Who tells Odysseus how to save himself?> ~Hermes> What eventually happens to the crew?> ~The witch turns them back into men and they stay at Circle’s house >for about a year.>6.*How is Odysseus told to get to the entrance to Hades?> ~They must cross the river Ocean and beach the ship on Persephone’s >shore where there was an entrance to Hades.> Whom is he supposed to consult?> ~Teiresias> What is Odysseus supposed to do to make him come?> ~kill sheep and fill a pit with their blood>7.*To whose island is Odysseus go to next?> ~the Sirens> Who lives there and why are they harmful?> ~These were marvelous singers whose voices would make a man forget all >else> To avoid these people, what does Odysseus order to do to themselves >and himself?> ~He tells his crew to stop their ears with wax and proposed that the >crew tie him to the mast so strongly that he could not get away >however much he tried.>8.*At the Island of the Sun, what are Odysseus and his crew not to do?> ~eat the sacred oxen> What does the crew do, and what happens to them?> ~they eat the oxen and as soon as they left a thunderbolt shattered >the ship and all were drowned except Odysseus.>9. What do the King of the Phaeacians and the chiefs give Odysseus before >he leaves the > island?> ~parting gifts>10.Where does Odysseus wake up?> ~on dry land lying on a beach> Who is disguised as a shepherd?> ~Athena> As what does Athena disguise Odysseus?> ~an old beggar>11.Where does Telemachus go before going back to his house?> ~to the swineherd> Whom does he find there?> ~Eumaeus and his father> What does Odysseus tell Telemachus to hide?> ~all the weapons of war>12.*Who is Argos, and what does he do after he recognizes Odysseus?> ~Odysseus’ dog; the moment his master appeared he stood up and wagged >his tail, but he had not enough strength to drag himself even a >little toward him and Odysseus turned away for fear of arising >suspicion and at that moment the dog died.>13.What does Odysseus tell Penelope when she calls for him?> ~A story of meeting her husband on his way to Troy>14.What two challenges does Penelope give the suitors?> ~She tells the suitors that whoever strings the bow and shoots an >arrow through twelve rings in a row she will take as her husband> Who completes the challenges?> ~Odysseus>15.After the fight, whom does Odysseus spare?> ~the priest>16.*How does Odysseus prove himself to Penelope?> ~Penelope just has a feeling